Introducing the first Tuva Science Collection — Earth in Space


Here a star, and there a star,

Some lose their way.

Here a mist, and there a mist,

Afterwards — day!

Few have conveyed the beauty of dawn with more inspiration than Emily Dickinson. As teachers of Earth science, we aspire to convey to students appreciation and understanding of what it means to be a planet moving through space and how our position and movement in space predictably affects our everyday experience of, well — day!

The magnitude of spatial and temporal scale differences covered by the topic of “Earth in Space” makes it challenging to find datasets about stars, planets, Sun and Moon, orbits,  seasons, tides, and day-lengths that are of a scope that students can explore to find meaning and discover patterns and relationships.

At Tuva, we are gathering datasets into collections by topic to help you quickly find data and activities that support a unit you are teaching. Our first Tuva Science Collection is Earth in Space.

Tuva’s Earth in Space collection provides opportunities for students to analyze and interpret data and model systems (see NGSS ESS1.A and ESS1.B) to support understanding of key ideas such as:

  • Stars range in size, type, and distance from our Solar System.
  • Planets have different properties (density, gravitational pull, orbital period, temperature…)
  • Seasons occur at opposite times of year in northern and southern hemispheres.
  • The timing of tide cycles can be explained (and predicted) by the phase (and position) of the Moon.
  • How much day length changes through the year depends on latitude.

Each dataset has at least one activity, and you can add or adapt activities to fit your teaching goals.

Help your students discover and appreciate the music of the spheres — through data!

We will be adding many other science collections in coming weeks and months.  If there is a collection you are especially interested in, please let us know via Tuva Support or share with the community on Tuva Discussions.

Enhancements to the Review Step While Uploading Your Dataset to Tuva.

Once you have chosen your dataset, you can now review it thoroughly before uploading it to Tuva.

The enhanced review step now allows you to edit and update various aspects of your dataset, including:

  1. Updating the Title as well as the Source of the dataset.
  2. Updating the Privacy Settings of the dataset.
    1. The default privacy setting is “Only Me”, but you can update the setting to “Anyone with Link” if you want to share the dataset with others. 
  3. Updating the Name and Description of the attributes of the dataset. 
  4. Updating the Type of the attribute, allowing you to choose between Categorical or various Numerical formats.
  5. Updating the Order of values for an attribute, choosing between Ascending or Descending order.  
Review Step - Screenshot
Screenshot of the Review Step while Uploading the Dataset to Tuva

Remember – you can always make changes to the attributes from the Case Card if you have already uploaded the dataset to Tuva.

Refreshing your Tuva Datasets from Google Spreadsheets

Here is a scenario: You have imported a dataset from Google Spreadsheet into your repository on Tuva.


Screenshot: Tuva Dataset titled “Census at School – Clean Data” has been imported from Google Spreadsheet

You make changes to your Google Spreadsheet, removing an attribute or adding 10 more rows of data. Till now, it was difficult to easily update and reflect these changes on your Tuva dataset.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to refresh your dataset directly from Tuva without have to import your Google Spreadsheet again?

Introducing Refresh

The Refresh feature allows you to easily update your Tuva Dataset so that any changes you make to your Google Spreadsheet will automatically be reflected in your dataset on Tuva.


Screenshot: Refresh button on Tuva Dataset page

Please note that the Refresh feature is only available for Tuva Datasets that you have imported from Google Spreadsheets. It is not available if you have imported the dataset from your computer.

Checkout the Refresh feature, and please feel free to share your comments and feedback on Tuva Discussions.

Tuva in an EdTech Research Session at the New Schools Summit

Tuva is excited to participate in a session alongside WestEd and NSVF Ignite on EdTech Research that Empowers Educators and Entrepreneurs at the New Schools Summit in San Francisco on May 11, 2016.  

Other participant teams in this session include: Distinctive Schools, Rocketship Education, Lexia Learning, Proving Ground Project at Harvard Center for Education Policy Research, and MIND Research Institute

It promises to be a fantastic session, exploring the paramount topic of how rigorous education research can inform the design and development of tools and products to drive more effective teaching and learning in the classroom. 

Are you planning to be at the New Schools Summit? If yes, please join us at the session. 

Explorar datos en Tuva

Tuva’s dynamic, easy-to-use data exploration and visualization tools are now available in Spanish.

Today, we are excited to take our first few steps in bringing Tuva’s Data Literacy Solutions to schools, higher education institutions, businesses, and sustainable development organizations globally. 

Our dynamic, easy-to-use data exploration and visualization tools are now available in Spanish, enabling Spanish-speaking learners around the world build a strong foundation in data and statistical literacy.

You can find our Spanish language datasets on our Tuva Datasets Library.  

Once you choose your Spanish-language dataset, you will find that all the dataset attributes, as well as all the features and functions on the toolbar are labeled in Spanish. 

Over the next couple of weeks, we will make Tuva’s data exploration and visualization tools available in other languages, so please stay tuned for further updates and announcements. 

For now, vamos a aprender datos sobre Tuva!